Sales Management

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    1. Sales :
      sales is best part of any company which help in growth of company.we have added 3 major feature for sales team which help them to manage leads , follow up & client records.

Leads –
in leads we can add leads which we will generate from Facebook, LinkedIn, google or any other medium.
2. records we will manage: Company name, Name of client, first cell number, second cell number, designation/ category, Email, website, skype, Address & comment.
3. we can Import and export leads record in excel file.
4. as well we can check records who have added and how many records added by any individual.
5. we can search records as well by name.
6. we can view, edit and delete leads.
7.we can add follow up of leads in any lead shared any requirements.

Benifits –
we will never miss any lead record which we have generated.
2. we can track performance of lead generator by count.
3. we can track records daily basis weekly basis and monthly basis.

Follow up –

  1. If we have any client in que or client have any query which is regarding with new project or any client have given us any specific date to connect with them then we add their records with date in follow up section. It help us to remember record of leads who are potential clients mostly a date when we have to connect client.
  2. Records we will manage : Client name, project approx cost , project name , follow up date , email , skype , phone and comment.
    2. here we can manage status of follow up. like pending , completed , cancelled
    3. we can view, edit and delete follow up record of leads.
    4. we can filter follow up record by client name , project name , company name , status ,date , cost.
    5. we can search follow up records as well.

Benifits :
1. we will never miss any follow up record which we have generated.
2. we can track performance of sales person by count.
3. we can track records daily basis weekly basis and monthly basis.

Client –
1. in client we can add client details which we will add Whenever we will get assigned a project from a client.
2. records we will manage : Company name , Name of client , First cell number ,second cell number, Email, website , skype , Address & comment.
3. we can Import and export client record in excel file.
4. we can search records as well by name.
5. we can view, edit and delete client
6. we can add follow up of clients if any client shared any requirements.

Benifits :
1. we will never miss any client record which we have generated.
2. We will remember which client has given us how much work.
3. which employee have added how many clients we can check and according to that we can promote sales team.



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