Readymade Protfolio / Profile Website


Readymade Protfolio / Profile Website

Original price was: ₹10,000.00.Current price is: ₹7,000.00.

  • Description
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In a ready-made portfolio or profile website, typically the following pages and features are included:


    1. Home (Homepage):
      • The main landing page that provides an overview of the website and directs visitors to other sections.
    2. About Me (About):
      • This page details information about yourself, including background, education, skills, and professional journey.
    3. Portfolio (Work):
      • This section showcases your work, such as projects, designs, artworks, or other relevant samples. Each project may have its own dedicated page with details and images.
    4. Services (Skills):
      • If you offer services or freelance work, this page lists your services, packages, and possibly pricing.
    5. Blog (Articles):
      • If you write blogs or articles, this page allows you to publish and share your thoughts and insights.
    6. Contact Me (Contact):
      • This page includes your contact information such as email address, phone number, and links to your social media profiles for visitors to reach out to you.
    7. Testimonials (Reviews):
      • A dedicated page where you can showcase testimonials or reviews from clients or customers.
    8. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):
      • This page addresses common questions that visitors may have, providing answers to help them understand your services or work better.
    9. Privacy Policy and Terms of Service:
      • Important legal pages that outline the privacy policies and terms of service for your website users.

                10. Gallery: A showcase of images highlighting the restaurant’s images and events.

11. Our team: Team member images and details.


    • Responsive Design: Ensures the website looks good and functions well on both mobile devices and desktops.
    • Navigation: Easy-to-use navigation that allows visitors to move between pages smoothly.
    • Gallery/Portfolio Filters: If you have work organized into categories, filters help visitors find specific types of work.
    • Contact Form: A form that allows visitors to send messages or inquiries directly to you.
    • Social Media Integration: Links to your social media profiles for visitors to connect with you on various platforms.
    • Analytics Integration: Tools that provide insights into website performance and visitor behavior.



  • Admin will add & delete pages and services .
  • Admin will write / add & delete blogs and articals and FAQs
  • Admin will add & delete gallery images
  • Admin will add & delete team members.


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